Google Cant Reach Your Feed at the Moment

  1. asuri0423's Avatar

    Still having this issue. I've tried clearing the cache/force stopping the Google app.and even a factory reset of my phone. Nothing seems to make it work again consistently. It worked fine for a couple hours after the factory reset, not now it's back to saying "can't reach your feed at the moment." I've got a pixel running Android 7.1 and all my apps are updated.

    11-13-2016 03:12 PM

  2. Mirko Gutic's Avatar

    Same issue here, started happening couple of days ago. Cleared app cache and all app data, worked for an hour maybe (with showing news in a new format - large picture, smaller headline) than it started again and news reverted back to old format (large headline, small picture). Running 6.0 Android, all apps updated.

    11-13-2016 03:59 PM

  3. Mayorofchicago's Avatar

  4. Michael Bogin's Avatar

    My internet works. Everything seems to be working except for my Google Now feed. Anyone else having this issue?

    Same issue. Feed seems to be working but can't get rid of the message.

    11-14-2016 06:14 PM


  6. Michael Bogin's Avatar

    Force stop of Google Now Launcher seems to have worked on Nexus 6p with Android 7.1

    11-14-2016 06:19 PM

  7. Dsasidar's Avatar

    My internet works. Everything seems to be working except for my Google Now feed. Anyone else having this issue?

    Yes same here

    11-24-2016 04:13 AM

  8. Liam McDowell's Avatar

    My internet works. Everything seems to be working except for my Google Now feed. Anyone else having this issue?

    I think I may have solved this through going to settings... accounts...Google... then turning on sync for every item (for all google accounts). Fingers crossed!

    Seems to have solved it.... For now.....

    11-27-2016 02:46 AM

  9. SteveISU's Avatar

    Anyone solve this issue, I just started experiencing this this morning.

    11-29-2016 09:48 AM

  10. Tom West's Avatar

    I've been having this issue for months now, but very intermittently. Sometimes a reboot works, some times emptying the cache from Google apps and sometimes it fixes itself for a few hours. I have a friend with an identical phone who had no issues, the only difference is that I have multiple accounts. I have noticed that it coincides with one of my accounts failing to sync... Seems a bit of a fundamental flaw.

    11-30-2016 01:31 PM

  11. NexusShark's Avatar

    I think I noticed a trend on my Pixel. If I have all background data turned on for all apps, I have no issues whatsoever. If I turn off a couple then I get "sign in error" on top of my list but news feed below. If they are all turned off nothing shows up. I believe the feed comes from background data, so it has to be turned on for it to work. If you toggle all background data for apps on and reboot it should show up...I think lol

    12-01-2016 07:46 AM

  12. Cheeky_47's Avatar

    I have a Pixel XL, to solve this problem I went to the App store and deleted the Google app. This then gave me the option to run the update, which I did, after doing this everything is working normally.

    12-01-2016 07:28 PM

  13. traper111's Avatar

    Rebooting the phone solved the problem for me too

    12-14-2016 06:04 AM

  14. sportygrly's Avatar

    My internet works. Everything seems to be working except for my Google Now feed. Anyone else having this issue?

    I found a fix for this, via this YouTube video. Its working for me, so far...

    03-21-2017 12:49 AM

  15. peter nde63h's Avatar

    try deleting the feed preferences. this would automatically disable news feed. enable it again. it would behave normal.

    03-21-2017 03:43 AM

  16. gzach's Avatar

    A number of apps stop the feed/cards and also the Google tab on the upper left of the home screen. My clock alarm, is one, for example. The easiest way to start the feed is to open the weather widget, which restarts the Google feed. Then close the widget window and everything should be ok.

    03-24-2017 05:10 PM

  17. TurboCommander's Avatar

    Yep, I've seen that twice at least

    03-30-2017 01:20 AM

  18. sumitjamuar09's Avatar

    My internet works. Everything seems to be working except for my Google Now feed. Anyone else having this issue?

    I was facing the same issues since last two days. Just now updated the Google app and it started working fine after that.

    04-02-2017 01:40 AM

  19. sushovan's Avatar

    I was facing the same issues since last two days. Just now updated the Google app and it started working fine after that.

    Try all of the above, if nothing happens, disable data saving mode in Chrome. It will be fixed.

    04-11-2017 03:26 PM

  20. masseurca's Avatar

    UPDATE: Doing nothing to fix the problem, changing no settings, I now get a few "Stories to Read" after midnight each day. As I clear them away, new stories to not appear. Clicking "More Stories to Read" brings the loadwheel followed by an error message.

    By clear them away, you don't mean you slide to the right so it stops sending you stories with that topic right?

    04-11-2017 04:36 PM

  21.'s Avatar

    I'm getting this error but nothing else seems amiss... No Google updates outstanding... So now what???

    05-19-2017 09:32 PM

  22. Cioca's Avatar

    My Google feed is not showing up. It says no feed at this moment. Last time I had feed was 17hrs ago.

    09-19-2017 01:41 PM

  23. StevieDan's Avatar

    I've been having this same issue. I fixed it by opening the Google app, going into Settings, tapping on "Your feed," and then selecting "Reset feed preferences?".

    10-17-2017 07:38 PM

  24. LeoRex's Avatar

    Yep, this happens from time to time when the Google app gets updated. I think something in the data goes sideways and resetting the prefs as mentioned usually does the trick.

    10-17-2017 11:50 PM

  25. The Visual-anti's Avatar

    So I've tried ever suggestion from resetting my preferences not only did it not fix my problem I have to redo everything. Everything is up to date, apps, framework, etc. It's getting quite frustrating, at times like I miss having the ability to text 466-453.
    Does anyone have the link to Google's bug tracker page for this problem?

    11-21-2017 01:02 AM

  26. David King69's Avatar

    Yes. Im having same problem. Google isnt working for some reason. What in the heck is going on?

    02-21-2018 06:38 PM

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