Fact or Opinion Pizza is Easy to Make

By just hearing the word "Pizza", brings a big smile to our faces. It doesn't matter if you are a fan of thin crust, pan crust or deep dish - there is nothing as delicious as pizza.

Most of us order pizza online and Dominos is the second-largest pizza chain in the world. You can grab discounts up to 40% at Dominos and get free home delivery on all orders.

Pizza with gooey cheese
Pizza, glorious pizza | Image from Unsplash

But did you know these 12 interesting facts about pizza? They will make you fall in love with pizza all over again, build your appetite and get you craving for one by the end of this list.

The First Pizza

When we think of pizza, we think of Italiano but actually, the origin of pizza comes from ancient times when Greeks and Egyptians were cooking pizza like flatbreads topped with olives and spices.

The pizza then evolved in Naples, Italy when it was topped with tomatoes in the 18th century. The pizza crust has a technical term called "cornicione".

The most expensive pizza

Italy has the most expensive pizza which is priced at $12,000. This is not an ordinary pizza because the dough is made perfectly by the chef at your home kitchen.

Yes, you read that right. The chef arrives at your kitchen and makes the pizza fresh in your home.

Some of the ingredients include three types of caviar, lobster, Cilento mountain oregano, mozzarella cheese and grains of pink Australian sea salt from the Murray River.

October is National Pizza Month

National Pizza Month was created by the publisher of Pizza Today magazine in October of 1984. It is now celebrated every year maybe the fact that Halloween is one of the busiest days of the pizza year helped to make October National pizza month.

World's largest pizza

The world's largest pizza was recorded was prepared by Dovilion Nardi, Matteo Giannotte Andrea Mannocchi, Matteo Nardi, and Marco Nardi in Rome, Italy in the year 2012.

The surface area of the pizza was a whopping 13,580 square feet!

Flat earth pizza
Gorgonzola Pizza with Honey

The risk of some cancers is reduced by pizza

Italian researchers claim that eating pizza regularly can reduce the risk of developing oesophagal cancer by 59%, mouth cancer by 34% and colon cancer by 26%.

(Though take it with a grain of salt with many diet controls, of course.)

Pizza themed movie

The movie Pizza Man released in 2011 is the only movie that is based on a pizza-themed superhero. The actor plays the role of a pizza delivery guy who acquires all the superpowers from eating a genetically modified tomato.

It is the only movie in the world that is based on the heavenly dish.

Where did the name Margherita pizza come from?

The name Margherita pizza was delivered its name from Queen Margherita of Savoy in 1889 when she asked the chef to make a pizza version for her with toppings of mozzarella, tomatoes and basil.

The most popular pizza toppings in India

You can find different people in India with different tastes and a wide variety of options for vegetarian and non-vegetarian pizza toppings.

The most popular pizza toppings are paneer (cottage cheese), capsicum, mushroom, onion, corn, pepperoni, extra cheese, sausage, black olives, green pepper, fresh garlic.

Pizza Museum

Philadelphia has a pizza museum called 'Pizza Brain' which is home to the world's largest collection of pizza memorabilia.

The museum has different varieties of pizzas from different parts of the world. Guinness World Book of Records certified the collection in 2011 as "the world's largest collection of pizza-related items".

Annual Pizza Expo

There is an annual pizza industry show in Las Vegas known as "The International Pizza Expo." it is one of the largest pizzas show in the world for the pizzeria operators' owners and distributors and food brokers.

However, the only disappointment is that the expo is closed to the general public.

Mayonnaise in pizza

When we think pizza toppings, Mayonnaise is not an option nor it does quickly come to mind, but in Japan Mayo on pizza is normal. The mayonnaise of Japan is sweeter in taste.

Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise
Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise | Image from Instagram

The first American cities to start selling pizza

Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Trenton had large populations of Southern Italian immigrants around the century.

When they arrived in the USA, they brought their love of pizza with them.

And those are 12 interesting facts about pizza that you may not have known! Are you feeling hungry yet? Sorry (not sorry)!

Next thing that you may find interesting... Have you heard about Flat Earth Pizza? We interviewed them!


Source: https://www.honestfoodtalks.com/pizza-facts-amazing/

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